Thursday, January 31, 2008


So, I stumbled across " The Apprentice" tonight. Literally for about ten minutes. In the midst of this breakdown of a project one of the cast turns to Stephen Baldwin and says, " You're a Christian, Christians aren't supposed to do that."

I'm always amazed by that sort of comment. No one even flinched.

And, I suppose it is fine.

But, it makes me wonder what people who make that comment think Christians are.

Yes. We are perfect. HA ! Right.

As far as I know, Christians try to follow the words of Christ. They believe Christ to be the Son of God and our Saviour. I know. I call myself a Christian. I am a Christian. I make mistakes. I do things I shouldn't. So, I pray for guidance. There's more, but, I like brief entries.

But can you imagine what might have happened if someone had said to someone else in the cast, " Hey, you're a Jewish person. Jewish people aren't supposed to do that."
"Hey, you're a woman, woman don't do that." Or any other form of racism, sexism, or religious persecution.

I'd like to say what I really think.... but... I'm a Christian and I am not supposed to. Nor should I end a sentence with a preposition.

Forgive me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Tonight, I dined at a new restaurant that recently opened. I've enjoyed the chain . Panera Bread.
I sat down and awaited my food. It arrived and looked good. However, it's a sandwich and its falling apart. So, I figured.. I could use silverware. As my food deliverer walks away I ask him where the silverware is. He replies, "What do you need?"
Of course, this question took me back. There are really only three items usually used. Is it too much to carry all of the usual implements over ? It's a restaurant. They usually give the option of all of them.

I clumsily answered, " A fork."

I wish now I had had the presence of mind to ask for two forks. Just because.

So sue me...

I am way out of the demographic, but, I enjoy professional wrestling. I just do. Those guys put on a great show almost 365 days a year. They get hurt, they get bloody, and they keep doing it.
I love WWE..... probably always will.
Durn glad to see them playing with the DX angle again. Triple H and HBK just seem to have a good time. That's it. Plain and simple.

Friday, January 25, 2008


So.. seriously. I am going to try to add thoughts here on a regular basis. Anyone care ?
No..probably not... but perhaps, over time... someone will read this and then who knows.
Until that time... it's mine and my time and Im going to waste it like a lot of other things in my life.

See ? Two comments in one day...and January is almost over....

Happy New Year !

Just noticing....

I found this interesting. Panda Express. Their "slogan?"
- Gourmet Chinese Food.

--- Really.