Little did I know that it meant two hours from when they figured they would care....
So I sent Pompey a receipt from Western Union...and honestly I was concerned that this fraud would get me in trouble... but I figured since "I paid" for it with a forged check I was relatively safe. )

(And then I decide to write pompey a quick email....)
( let me know as confused... No idea what this meant, but I liked it )
(and..another email... I assume he left his computer to go to Western Union to happily pick up his check. )
HAve you recievd the money yet ??
respond asap
(Ooops. He catches on. Supposedly... but I guess he still has hope...)
( let me know as confused... No idea what this meant, but I liked it )
(and..another email... I assume he left his computer to go to Western Union to happily pick up his check. )
HAve you recievd the money yet ??
respond asap
(Ooops. He catches on. Supposedly... but I guess he still has hope...)
"Hello David M. Beach, Great, i love that you think am stupid, i will never ask after the monmey again. the whole scene will be sort out btw you and the proper authority. cos i sent them the fake western receipt, you sent me, why are you joking with ur life, you think am joking ooooooh! pls as soon as the F.B.I, get to ur doorstep just let me know, you lied that you sent the money, but itwas tracked and not found on the system, Howcome. i wont say more that this till you sleep in jail, if i dont receive my money today. Regards. Pompey
(Hmm. I'm doomed for jail and he won't ask for the "monmey" again.
I assume he means money. Because he never did actually ask for monmey.
And not only does he love that I think he's stupid... I love that it's amusing me, I wonder if he knows that...)
(His letter does startle me though... as you can see by my surprise...)
WHAT ? I dont know what you mean about fake receipt. its the receipt I got ...Did you ask the wrong question !
Not sure why you have contacted fbi the money is good.
Perhaps error is on your end !
( p.s. please tell me who at the f.b.i. cares...I thought I had talked to everyone... )
( so he keeps going to western union and trying the test question. Western Union has a security system like old spy movies. It's a test question. I used, " How's the weather ? " He was to respond with " Cloudy." He apprently wanted to have them ask, " What color is the sky? "
I basically used my question because, since he assumed he would actually get the money from me... I didn' t know what color the sky was in his world.
Not to mention, how clever to ask, " What color is the sky?"
was this the text question i gave you, i said what is the colour of the sky and the answer is blue, how come yours who gave you that. Regards. POMPEY
hows the weather.... where did you get sky is blue ???
( once again, I have to hope he left his computer to go check at Western Union )
Havent heard from you and the money has to be there by now...
attached is western union receipt ..please inform....
Hello David, The money is yet to be received ,, it seems there is error on the details you sent go ahead and resend it again, cos i tracked the money , buy it isnot there. so pls do get back to me again with the details . corectly Regards.
(so I resent my receipt )
( a brief brak for the fourth of july )
Am concerned youre having trouble on your end...
do I need to follow up...
western union closed today here...
(But somehow, I "speak" to someone at Western Union to try to figure out pompey's problem with the money I sent him )
( three simple and specific emails )
error on your end tracking from here says its there.
okay, let me have the tracking no then
its on the receipt
( duh )
Here You are, i cant get it tracked, i tried several times all in vais, the responds was, there is nothing like that track number on there system that you are joking, and they said how come you get their receipt, that is another offence you are just putting yourself into trouble. this is my last warning again. go to te western outlet again and tell them the money cant be tracked otherwise, i wont say nothing more than this again, Cos they said they will investigate and get back to you on how you got the receipt, do you know that is inpersonation.I have sent them your address and they even said the fbi contacted them about your act of deceiving, so you will be put to jail as soon as possible, believe me or not. Am waiting to read from you again. Regards. Pompey.
("I'm going to be put to jail." Oddly enough, still no word from Western Union nor the F.B.I. Honestly, in all sincerity... I do kind of worry about my fraud. I hope Western Union and the FBI at least have some sense of justice.
But since pompey is "waiting to read from me again" I figured I would write. )
i will send you the recipt again...
if you think I have another 3 grand to send your wrong...
are youusiung right number ? or code ?
( I love intentionally sending him slaughtered english emails.. for all I know this guy is living somewhere in Jersey...)
(But here is the email that gets the really odd. For some reason Pompey gives up on me .... and.... sends in ... his wife....
Pompey Celia...
ummmm they share a first name ? Now... I'm really confused... And she sounds like a real witch. hehehehe )
Hello, Hmm,Here is MrS Pompey, do you think you can scam my husband?never! we are taking this case beyond what you think, and by the time you are being caught up the you will know we arenot joking with you,Cos You proved to be wise, you are stupid for saying you went to western and they told you i collected the money. it is a lie. let me have their fone no and their address so i should give them a call and ask if it is true that they sent any money. Cos from their system it said their is nothing like the TRACKING NUMBER YOU CLAIMED WESTERN GAVE YOU, SEND IT TO THEM AND ASK THEM TO CONFIRM IT AND SEND ME THE RECEIPT THEN I WILL KNOW MAYBE THERE IS MISTAKE SOMEWHERE. BUT IF YOU DONT DO THAT TODAY. AM JUST TAKING MY TIME TO MAIL YOU , I SHOULDNOT HAVE TO, COS YOU ARE PLAYING SMART. AM GIVING YOU THE LAST WARNING, COS A M A CHRISTIAN, SO I WOULDNOT LOVE TO PUT YOU TO JAIL. FOR BEING A SCAMMER. Regards. Mrs Pompey Cecilia
(Well, at least she is a christian...odd that neither of them type well but you know the longer you live with someone the more you sound like them )
(and then my typical confused out-of-nowhere response ....sort of ignoring mrs pompey cecelia..cecelia pompey.. whoever)
I did not hear from you so I asume you did
(and a second email )
no email from you today... I shall assume you have claimed the cash and we are now settled
( actually I was hoping Yahoo had shut them down... but .. no )
Why didnot you include in your business name to the western receipt, that's the firsta lie, secondly. you forged the signature . thirdly you stole western receipt and claimed to have sent money to me. You will sleep in Hell Soon! bet me for that. Regards. Mrs Pompey Cecilia.
( Wow... I know as a Christian, I don't judge. She has accused me of lying by not including my business name .. - I didn't lie, I just didn't have a business name; Forgery - actually that was the signature that was on the receipt I found on the internet... everything else was photoshopped ; and Theft - well, I didn't pay for it... I just downloaded it.
But send me to sleep in hell ? Pretty mean.
Not to mention, my guess is, sleep isn't allowed in hell. I mean, how bad could eternal damnation be if you were first , able to take a nap, and second, allowed to ? Her words don't really ring of Christianity. Not to mention she started this con. Well, her husband did anyway, Mr Roy Pompey. Pompey Roy... Cecelia... whomever.)
(But... I caught her in a lie ..
well...sort of... I decide to send a bit more confusion from me. )
okay..I went to western union ..they say you received the money !!!!
You tell me that you havent threaten me with fbi... and you are the one lying. I am glad the contract is cancelled. you have the money and you want more.its not going to happen. if you did not get the money thaqn you mde a mistake with directions or somethign.
not my fault. if you lost the three grand you are out of luck. you signed no contract sent more money than you should you have lost the money or have it and pretnend you dont.... call fbi and i will report your lying abouyt the money you have recieved,!!!!!
( ahhh the joys of intentional typoes.. typos... tpyos... postys
(and my final comment which unfortunately and
yet fortunately
led to the
best email of the entire affair. )
Interesting in our country married people share last names ..are you miss pompey ..miss cecilia or miss roy...or is pompey the last name...Im confused...
maybe the money shouldnt have gone to aremy...
what the heck is goin gon..did you get the money or not ?
( sigh. I guess Roy Pompey Pompey roy cecelia didn't get this one.
the final response... to which.. I screamed victory and gave myself an ovation )
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim). A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data: host []: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] - ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
( After nearly four days of calling and emailing yahoo email abuse department )
(and now... I just sit and await the criminal case from the FBI and Western Union...
perhaps my next post....)
(Bye Pompey.
.. or Roy...
or cecelia...
it was fun...
Sorry at first I thought you were legit.)
On to my next adventure....
(Hmm. I'm doomed for jail and he won't ask for the "monmey" again.
I assume he means money. Because he never did actually ask for monmey.
And not only does he love that I think he's stupid... I love that it's amusing me, I wonder if he knows that...)
(His letter does startle me though... as you can see by my surprise...)
WHAT ? I dont know what you mean about fake receipt. its the receipt I got ...Did you ask the wrong question !
Not sure why you have contacted fbi the money is good.
Perhaps error is on your end !
( p.s. please tell me who at the f.b.i. cares...I thought I had talked to everyone... )
( so he keeps going to western union and trying the test question. Western Union has a security system like old spy movies. It's a test question. I used, " How's the weather ? " He was to respond with " Cloudy." He apprently wanted to have them ask, " What color is the sky? "
I basically used my question because, since he assumed he would actually get the money from me... I didn' t know what color the sky was in his world.
Not to mention, how clever to ask, " What color is the sky?"
was this the text question i gave you, i said what is the colour of the sky and the answer is blue, how come yours who gave you that. Regards. POMPEY
hows the weather.... where did you get sky is blue ???
( once again, I have to hope he left his computer to go check at Western Union )
Havent heard from you and the money has to be there by now...
attached is western union receipt ..please inform....
Hello David, The money is yet to be received ,, it seems there is error on the details you sent go ahead and resend it again, cos i tracked the money , buy it isnot there. so pls do get back to me again with the details . corectly Regards.
(so I resent my receipt )
( a brief brak for the fourth of july )
Am concerned youre having trouble on your end...
do I need to follow up...
western union closed today here...
(But somehow, I "speak" to someone at Western Union to try to figure out pompey's problem with the money I sent him )
( three simple and specific emails )
error on your end tracking from here says its there.
okay, let me have the tracking no then
its on the receipt
( duh )
Here You are, i cant get it tracked, i tried several times all in vais, the responds was, there is nothing like that track number on there system that you are joking, and they said how come you get their receipt, that is another offence you are just putting yourself into trouble. this is my last warning again. go to te western outlet again and tell them the money cant be tracked otherwise, i wont say nothing more than this again, Cos they said they will investigate and get back to you on how you got the receipt, do you know that is inpersonation.I have sent them your address and they even said the fbi contacted them about your act of deceiving, so you will be put to jail as soon as possible, believe me or not. Am waiting to read from you again. Regards. Pompey.
("I'm going to be put to jail." Oddly enough, still no word from Western Union nor the F.B.I. Honestly, in all sincerity... I do kind of worry about my fraud. I hope Western Union and the FBI at least have some sense of justice.
But since pompey is "waiting to read from me again" I figured I would write. )
i will send you the recipt again...
if you think I have another 3 grand to send your wrong...
are youusiung right number ? or code ?
( I love intentionally sending him slaughtered english emails.. for all I know this guy is living somewhere in Jersey...)
(But here is the email that gets the really odd. For some reason Pompey gives up on me .... and.... sends in ... his wife....
Pompey Celia...
ummmm they share a first name ? Now... I'm really confused... And she sounds like a real witch. hehehehe )
Hello, Hmm,Here is MrS Pompey, do you think you can scam my husband?never! we are taking this case beyond what you think, and by the time you are being caught up the you will know we arenot joking with you,Cos You proved to be wise, you are stupid for saying you went to western and they told you i collected the money. it is a lie. let me have their fone no and their address so i should give them a call and ask if it is true that they sent any money. Cos from their system it said their is nothing like the TRACKING NUMBER YOU CLAIMED WESTERN GAVE YOU, SEND IT TO THEM AND ASK THEM TO CONFIRM IT AND SEND ME THE RECEIPT THEN I WILL KNOW MAYBE THERE IS MISTAKE SOMEWHERE. BUT IF YOU DONT DO THAT TODAY. AM JUST TAKING MY TIME TO MAIL YOU , I SHOULDNOT HAVE TO, COS YOU ARE PLAYING SMART. AM GIVING YOU THE LAST WARNING, COS A M A CHRISTIAN, SO I WOULDNOT LOVE TO PUT YOU TO JAIL. FOR BEING A SCAMMER. Regards. Mrs Pompey Cecilia
(Well, at least she is a christian...odd that neither of them type well but you know the longer you live with someone the more you sound like them )
(and then my typical confused out-of-nowhere response ....sort of ignoring mrs pompey cecelia..cecelia pompey.. whoever)
I did not hear from you so I asume you did
(and a second email )
no email from you today... I shall assume you have claimed the cash and we are now settled
( actually I was hoping Yahoo had shut them down... but .. no )
Why didnot you include in your business name to the western receipt, that's the firsta lie, secondly. you forged the signature . thirdly you stole western receipt and claimed to have sent money to me. You will sleep in Hell Soon! bet me for that. Regards. Mrs Pompey Cecilia.
( Wow... I know as a Christian, I don't judge. She has accused me of lying by not including my business name .. - I didn't lie, I just didn't have a business name; Forgery - actually that was the signature that was on the receipt I found on the internet... everything else was photoshopped ; and Theft - well, I didn't pay for it... I just downloaded it.
But send me to sleep in hell ? Pretty mean.
Not to mention, my guess is, sleep isn't allowed in hell. I mean, how bad could eternal damnation be if you were first , able to take a nap, and second, allowed to ? Her words don't really ring of Christianity. Not to mention she started this con. Well, her husband did anyway, Mr Roy Pompey. Pompey Roy... Cecelia... whomever.)
(But... I caught her in a lie ..
well...sort of... I decide to send a bit more confusion from me. )
okay..I went to western union ..they say you received the money !!!!
You tell me that you havent threaten me with fbi... and you are the one lying. I am glad the contract is cancelled. you have the money and you want more.its not going to happen. if you did not get the money thaqn you mde a mistake with directions or somethign.
not my fault. if you lost the three grand you are out of luck. you signed no contract sent more money than you should you have lost the money or have it and pretnend you dont.... call fbi and i will report your lying abouyt the money you have recieved,!!!!!
( ahhh the joys of intentional typoes.. typos... tpyos... postys
(and my final comment which unfortunately and
yet fortunately
led to the
best email of the entire affair. )
Interesting in our country married people share last names ..are you miss pompey ..miss cecilia or miss roy...or is pompey the last name...Im confused...
maybe the money shouldnt have gone to aremy...
what the heck is goin gon..did you get the money or not ?
( sigh. I guess Roy Pompey Pompey roy cecelia didn't get this one.
the final response... to which.. I screamed victory and gave myself an ovation )
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim). A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data: host []: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] - ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
( After nearly four days of calling and emailing yahoo email abuse department )
(and now... I just sit and await the criminal case from the FBI and Western Union...
perhaps my next post....)
(Bye Pompey.
.. or Roy...
or cecelia...
it was fun...
Sorry at first I thought you were legit.)
On to my next adventure....
1 comment:
11-24-05 - Still no calls from FBI, police, authorities, or even the girl scouts, which kind of bothers me, cause I didn't get thin mints this year.....
sigh. I miss you pompey...
Hey, maybe this birthday I can emcee ? can I talk to your secretary..or your lovely wife pompey cecelia ?
oh well...
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