Thursday, January 31, 2008


So, I stumbled across " The Apprentice" tonight. Literally for about ten minutes. In the midst of this breakdown of a project one of the cast turns to Stephen Baldwin and says, " You're a Christian, Christians aren't supposed to do that."

I'm always amazed by that sort of comment. No one even flinched.

And, I suppose it is fine.

But, it makes me wonder what people who make that comment think Christians are.

Yes. We are perfect. HA ! Right.

As far as I know, Christians try to follow the words of Christ. They believe Christ to be the Son of God and our Saviour. I know. I call myself a Christian. I am a Christian. I make mistakes. I do things I shouldn't. So, I pray for guidance. There's more, but, I like brief entries.

But can you imagine what might have happened if someone had said to someone else in the cast, " Hey, you're a Jewish person. Jewish people aren't supposed to do that."
"Hey, you're a woman, woman don't do that." Or any other form of racism, sexism, or religious persecution.

I'd like to say what I really think.... but... I'm a Christian and I am not supposed to. Nor should I end a sentence with a preposition.

Forgive me.

1 comment:

Madhypnotist said...

Restless nite... and I had an idea to add to my post.... The next time someone mentions.. " You're a Christian... etc etc..." My response?
"Well, since you must be an athiest, I assume you must be lying..."

Maybe ?