Sunday, January 21, 2007


Hmmmm...Arrrggghhh....sigh.... ahem....aaaiieeeyyyaaahhhh. These are a few of my favorite e-sounds.

One of the things that aren't my favorite e-things, is internet dating. Yes, internet dating.

Here is how it goes LATELY.

I see someone that matches pretty much what I look for, for a future mate. Yes, a future mate. We pay 20-30 dollars to be on the durn site, I'm not on-line for serial dating. If I wanted to just date randomly, I would do that. I am dating on-line to cut out a lot of that crap you find out about a person on the first date... i.e. " Ummmm wow, you're a Wiccan." Nice. I have nothing against Wiccans. On the whole, usually very nice people. Not future mate material however.

So... I am on-line looking for " her".

So...... I email. One in fifty responds. Fifty takes me about three months, or more. I am somewhat picky. There are a LOT of people on-line. So.... now... if she responds, I have hope. Sometimes, we go for about a week of emails. Then occasionally , we meet.

Sometimes, I lose them via email..for reasons I never understand.

THEN.... let me step back.... WE MEET.

Now, meeting is a chore sometimes. From time to time, you can immediately think, "Nope, not the one." But, sometimes...very rarely... you both look at each other and there is a ... not a spark....too early for a spark.... but a ummmm, glint.

a tiny tiny glint. I wish I knew what made those glints, but still no clue.

Even better, she seems to be interested.

Lets recap. 1 email response after three months of trying. One meet out of three tries... ( thats a few more months ) and then voila... maybe a "glint"

Now ya see, glints make me happy. And, if they respond in kind, then I tend to proceed.

And here is where I screw up. I think.

If two people are interested in each other.... DON'T THEY TRY TO KEEP IN TOUCH ?? DON'T THEY TRY TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT EACH OTHER ???

I just had a "glint" respond positively... say she was interested...even did the.." Im out of town next week, but lets get together next week.." ....things. Then disappeared.

When someone stops emailing, as emailing is safer.... and less intrusive, you are stuck with two options. One: don't email let it run its course. tick ..tick...tick....

or two: Email her and say, "Hey, you okay ?"

no response......

no response....

then.. she wrote... " yeah.. but life is busy." That would be fine... there is no interest. BUT THEN !! She adds.... " next week"....

when you get nothing after that... if you email... the following week....

she responds with....

" you are trying to hard... Im not interested."

It must be me...but I can't figure out why...why.... if they are on a site...they don't want to connect.....

any suggestions...?

aaaeeeiiyyaahhhhhh !

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