Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ahh the excitement builds...

There is excitement brewing. The signing of a good summer contract and the hope of additional work at the same time is making me somewhat happy as the money will help. Right now a sort of financial drought... primarily due to the extortion I undergo as a member of the world's worst union on the planet... AGVA... seriously, a ridiculous reason to pay an absolutely pointless union...and I am being forced to have to be a member...
Anyone care to explain that ? And... if youre not a member of AGVA, it will be pointless as the union itself. Some unions, I suppose have a reason... this one doesnt.
and so it goes,...
But hopefully after my windfall of cash this summer...truly hoping that happens...I will once again revive my practice as a hypnotherapist. All I need is to print up a few business cards and find Office Room Reception Chairs I'll let ya know as it happens.

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